Find below the documentation in different languages associated with our kits.
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Download your manual.
Choose your language and enjoy!
You will read in the manual that you need to install this library, download it here:
From here you can easily copy and paste the code to the Arduino IDE. (But try to understand it before 😀😀 )
In each manual you can find the code explained in the corresponding language.
/* InputMakers
Weather station.
Program to display on the LCD screen, the temperature and the relative humidity using the DHT11 sensor.
Install the different libraries needed as indicated in the manual.
Check the different connections in the manual's circuit diagram.
#include // We include the Wire.h library that establishes communication with the I2C protocol.
#include // We include the library to use the LCD screen with the I2C module.
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 2, 1, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, POSITIVE); // Set the LCD I2C address of the LCD screen and the I2C module with the Arduino. If it doesn't work, check these addresses: 0x3f (PCF8574AT chip) or 0x27 (PCF8574T chip).
#include "DHT.h" // We include the DHT sensor library.
#define DHTPIN 9 // We define the digital pin where we connect the sensor, in this case to digital pin 9.
#define DHTTYPE DHT11 // We define the type of sensor.
DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE); // We initialize the DHT11 sensor.
void setup() {
lcd.begin(16,2); // We initialize the display with 16 characters and 2 lines.
dht.begin(); // We initialize the DHT sensor.
void loop() {
int h = dht.readHumidity(); // We define the integer variable h and read the humidity.
int t = dht.readTemperature(); // We define the integer variable t and read the temperature.
lcd.clear(); // Removes all symbols from the LCD.
lcd.setCursor(0,0); // Position the first letter in segment 0 of line 1 (It starts counting from 0).
lcd.print("Relative Humidity "); // Print Relative Humidity on the screen.
lcd.setCursor(6,1); // Position the first letter in segment 6 of line 2 (It starts counting from 0).
lcd.print(h); // Print humidity on screen.
lcd.print(" %"); // Print % on screen.
delay (2500); // Pause the program 2.5 seconds.
lcd.clear(); // Removes all symbols from the LCD.
lcd.setCursor(3,0); // Position the first letter in segment 3 of line 1 (It starts counting from 0).
lcd.print("Temperature "); // Print Temperature on screen.
lcd.setCursor(6,1); // Position the first letter in segment 6 of line 2 (It starts counting from 0).
lcd.print(t); // Print the temperature on the screen.
lcd.print(" C"); // Print C on screen.
delay (2500); // Pause the program 2.5 seconds.
lcd.clear(); // Removes all symbols from the LCD.
lcd.setCursor(0,0); // Position the first letter in segment 0 of line 1 (It starts counting from 0).
lcd.print("Readings:"); // Print Readings on screen.
delay (2500); // Pause the program 2.5 seconds.